See the Signs
Cocaine is a highly addictive and illegal stimulant drug. And it’s one of the most trafficked recreational drugs worldwide. The scope of cocaine use in the United States is dire, affecting millions, statistics that even include young students and children, and causing thousands of deaths from overdoses each year. So, it is important to be able to identify cocaine effects and the symptoms of possible addiction while there is still time to act and turn things around.
So, what does it look like when someone is using cocaine? Each person is unique, so the impacts of cocaine will affect each person differently. But it’s a stimulant. The high that comes from it could cause a person to feel a surge of confidence or like they are wide awake. They might be excited or ready to take risks, but likely they will also show elevated anxiety and panic.

If you think someone is high on cocaine, there are some things to look for. Common ways to describe them would be overly chatty, more confident, animated, restless, or edgy. It doesn’t take much to develop a dependence that would require a cocaine rehab to learn how to manage and overcome. But before you get there, you will need to make some decisions. Here is more on the physical and psychological effects of cocaine.
Immediate Effects
Here is what to look for if you suspect someone is high.
Physical Cocaine Effects Include:
- Increased heart rate.As a central nervous stimulant, cocaine causes the heart to contract more forcefully, increasing the risk of heart attack, coronary artery aneurysm, cardiac arrhythmias, and other illnesses of the cardiovascular system.
- High blood pressure.Regular cocaine use increases high blood pressure due to the constricted blood vessels, which disrupt blood flow.
- Dilated pupils. “Cocaine eyes” refers to bloodshot eyes with enlarged pupils, a response to increased amounts of norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that plays a part in the fight or flight response.
Psychological Cocaine Effects Include:
- Euphoria.Cocaine causes an increase in dopamine levels, which leads to a euphoric high.
- Increased confidence.Cocaine may cause loss of inhibition and high levels of impulsiveness.
- Paranoia. Chronic use can induce psychosis and symptoms like hallucinations and delusions.
Long-Term Addiction: Cocaine Effects
If someone has a cocaine addiction, it will affect them physically and behaviorally. Here are some changes you may notice in their everyday actions.
Behavioral changes from cocaine use include:
- Secretive behavior. People often go to great lengths to hide their addiction to avoid feeling judged by others.
- Changes in sleep patterns. Cocaine use can disrupt brain pathways, making it hard to fall asleep.
Physical changes from cocaine use include:
- Weight loss.Cocaine can alter metabolism and suppress appetite.
- Deteriorating physical appearance.Outward signs of cocaine use often include hair loss, dental issues, skin disorders, and musculoskeletal problems.
Psychological changes of Long-term Cocaine use include:
- Mood swings.The mood-altering cocaine effects occur due to its ability to increase levels of neurotransmitters.
- Depression.The high from cocaine use is often followed by a comedown that triggers depressive symptoms.
Treatment Options for Cocaine Addiction
Treatment for cocaine addiction is multi-faceted and most commonly involves evidence-based approaches.
Behavioral therapy for addiction can include approaches like cognitive behavioral therapy and mental health counseling. They’re designed to help patients develop the skills to function and lead healthy lives in society.
Support groups such as 12 Step Immersion in Austin. Groups offer a sense of community as well as support. The structured aspect is also missing in the life of someone living at the mercy of their cocaine addiction.
Where Do You Get Cocaine Addiction Help?
If cocaine addiction controls your life or someone you love, call us today. This dangerous substance use disorder is life-threatening, but it can be overcome. Recovery is possible. Our men’s addiction treatment center in Austin, Texas, offers inpatient services for men ready to begin their life again.