There are dangers in dabbing weed. What’s in a dab? If you are talking about the move with one arm extended and one bent at the elbow, you see after a touchdown, probably not too much. If you hear it talked about by someone, and they are referring to marijuana use, it’s another story. So, let’s get down to what it is and your options if you (or someone you know) have become addicted to Marijuana because of this method of use.
Over the past several years, Marijuana has become legalized in more and more states nationwide. This has led to a lot of people thinking that it might not be dangerous or that it isn’t addictive. So they try it out and do some experimenting. This is likely when dabbing comes into play.
What Is Dabbing Weed?
Dabbing refers to taking in high-concentration doses of the THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), present in typical cannabis that is psychoactive—giving the “high” sensation.

How Do Dabs Work?
To get this concentrated hit of THC, people fabricate dabs. If they don’t call them dabs, they might call them wax, budder, amber, or honeycomb. But the essence is the same: concentrated versions of butane hash oil.
Pouring butane over Marijuana extracts the THC and creates a gummy substance—the dab. Dabs can be up to four times stronger than your typical weed joint, and as you might have suspected, there are dangers involved in this method.
Main Dangers of Dabbing Weed
The first danger of dabbing is that it can lead to marijuana addiction. This is because the high from dabbing is much stronger than smoking Marijuana in a joint. A smoker’s tolerance will build quickly, and they will need a more significant amount of Marijuana each time they smoke.
The second danger of dabbing is that it can harm your lungs. Dabbing involves heating the concentrate using a hot surface or nail and inhaling the vapor. The high temperatures can lead to respiratory problems, particularly if the nail is heated excessively. Overheating the concentrate can release harmful compounds and irritants, causing lung irritation, coughing, and potential damage to the respiratory system.
The high from dabbing can cause people to become very confused and disoriented. It’s been linked with psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations and paranoia. People have also experienced rapid, irregular heart palpitations and even blackouts.
Dabbing Paraphernalia: What to Look For
If you think someone you know is dabbing weed, the best action is to talk to them. An open, honest conversation with compassion and no judgment makes all the difference when discussing drug use and addiction. That said, dabbing may be happening if you see paraphernalia similar to what is listed below.
Dab Rig: A dab rig is a specialized water pipe or glass device vaporizing cannabis concentrates. It looks like a bong with modifications for dabbing. It typically consists of a water chamber, a nail (or banger), a dabber tool, and a mouthpiece.
Nail or Banger: The nail or banger is the heating element of the dab rig. It is usually made of quartz, titanium, or ceramic. The nail is heated using a torch or an electronic heating element. Once it’s hot enough, the concentrate is applied to produce vapor.
Torch: A butane torch is used to heat the nail or banger. The torch provides the necessary heat for vaporizing the concentrate.
Dabber Tool: A dabber tool is a small instrument that handles and applies cannabis concentrates to the heated nail or banger. It is usually made of metal, glass, or ceramic and has a pointed end for scooping or dabbing the concentrate.
Carb Cap: A carb cap is a small glass or metal lid placed over the heated nail or banger after applying the concentrate. It helps regulate airflow and retains heat, allowing for more efficient concentrate vaporization.
Concentrates: Cannabis concentrates, also known as dabs or wax, are the key ingredient in dabbing. They are highly potent extracts obtained through various extraction methods, such as butane extraction, CO2 extraction, or solventless extraction. Common types of concentrates include shatter, wax, budder, and live resin.
Marijuana Dabbing Addiction Help
If you or someone you know has an addiction to Marijuana, there are a few things you can do to get help.
Some might overlook marijuana addiction; however, it is a serious condition. The psychological effects of dependence on a substance and the lengths a person will go to alleviate this dependence have caused pain, heartache, and even death.
Current studies are finding addiction and dependence on Marijuana are possible. It might look different from an addiction to meth or cocaine, but it is accurate and can cause significant harm. The best option for you or your loved one is to find a marijuana rehab in Austin to address the issues related to marijuana use disorder.
Beyond addiction, quitting on your own can produce withdrawals and significant psychological barriers. Enough that it is difficult (sometimes dangerous) for most to stop on their own.
Austin Rehab Center
Heartwood Recovery offers addiction treatment services that work with marijuana addiction. No matter how you find yourself with a stronger dependence on THC, we can help you find the tools that will change your understanding of your addiction.