MDMA and MDA Differences
MDMA and MDA are popular drugs in Austin, Texas. Though they may be interchangeable on the street, there are some differences. And use or abuse of either illicit drug can be dangerous. A drug rehab in Austin is the best way to find recovery from either addiction. Below is the difference between Molly and Sally.

Molly and Sally: MDMA and MDA
This can get confusing quick, so let’s get the acronyms out of the way: MDA represents a drug that has the most common street name of “sally.” MDMA is called “Molly.” (Not that you need to know, but here is what they stand for MDMA: 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine and MDA: 3,4-Methylenedioxyamphetamine).
Both are hallucinogens. This means they give you sensations that feel real but are not. They alter a person’s emotions, thoughts, and feelings. And yes, sometimes you see things that aren’t there.
Both are also stimulants and belong to the amphetamine class (think meth).
MDA and MDMA, Continued
“Molly” and “Sally” have become popular names in downtown Austin among young people in recent years. However, while some may hop between these two names and use them interchangeably, they refer to two different substances.
You also might hear Sally referred to as sass or sassafras because it is made from safrole oil that comes from the sassafras tree.
One of the core reasons most people get confused when talking about Molly and Sally is that they both belong to the same class of drugs. One of the best ways to think about it is that both MDA and MDMA are similar-tasting fruits.
In this case, both substances are stimulants and psychedelics, which means that they can make you feel tremendously active while also producing powerful mood and cognitive shifts.
What Is the Difference Between Molly and Sally
Although Molly and Sally may sit under the same drug tree, they can produce varying effects. In most cases, most people report that MDMA (Molly) makes them feel euphoric while MDA (Sally) provides them with a burst of energy that makes them more conscious of visual stimuli. It also is known as the “love drug because it can heighten your sense of empathy and mood.
Most people who take MDA also believe that the “high” which they receive from the drug lasts significantly longer than that of Molly.
MDMA and MDA Rehab
Of course, it’s common for users to say, and believe, Molly and Sally are safe. This patently false. Long-term MDA and MDMA use can lead to issues such as depression, anxiety, and addiction. Additionally, it can be easy to build up a tolerance to Molly and Sally, which means you will require a higher dosage to feel the same high.
These drugs are notoriously cut (or mixed) with dangerous toxins, and used in combination with other drugs. And they contribute to overdose and death all too often. Most prominently in recent times, the former lead singer of the 90s band, Stone Temple Pilots, Scott Weiland’s death was attributed to drug overdose form a combination of substances. One of them was Sally.
MDA or MDMA Addiction Treatment
If you or a loved one is currently struggling with excessive use of either MDA or MDMA and would like to live a life from substance abuse, please call us today. Our amphetamine rehab and overall program which is based on a 12-step immersion program, are situated perfectly help you find full recovery.
Remember, taking drugs to combat depression or anxiety is like putting a piece of tape over a hole in a pipe. Sooner or later, the tape will wear out, and everything will come gushing out.
Instead of plugging your holes, we recommend exploring the core reasons for your MDA or MDMA substance abuse and crafting healthier coping mechanisms that help you feel happier and more in control of the flow of your life.
If you are more interested in how we can give you the tools to help you live a life free from substance use disorders, call Heartwood Recovery today.