Functioning Alcoholic
Alcohol use disorder, alcoholism, or alcohol addiction affects millions of people worldwide. Chronic and progressive diseases can have severe consequences for individuals and society. While many people think of alcoholism as someone who is visibly struggling and unable to function in their daily life, there is another type of alcoholic that often goes unnoticed—the functioning alcoholic.

Functioning Alcoholic Defined
Functional alcoholics can still drink a lot and handle their jobs, relationships, and other responsibilities. Even though they seem successful, hardworking, and even happy, their drinking is a cause for concern and can cause deep destruction.
Because alcoholism is so destructive, often causing irreparable damage in relationships, home life, and work, someone who seems to be able to keep these things together may go under the radar for alcohol addiction. There are various reasons for this.
Tolerance: A person with a history of drinking large amounts of alcohol will build up a tolerance. They can consume a lot and not seem drunk.
Compartmentalization: Some people are really good at separating their drinking from their responsibilities. They keep the drinking at bay until they know it won’t interfere.
Denial: Functioning alcoholics have a particular reason to believe they don’t have a problem: their lives are going okay still.
High-functioning personality: Some people are just gifted at organizing their lives, their employees, their work, and their schedule. Intelligence and determination can work hand in hand here to help a person create a normal life.
On the personal side, the drug of alcohol carries a variety of risks. Overindulging in alcohol over time can harm the liver, the brain, and other essential organs. Also, it can raise the chance of developing some malignancies, heart disease, and stroke.
But all the other risks are still in play, as with anyone with an alcohol use disorder. Financial troubles, marital issues, and legal issues like DUIs can also affect functioning alcoholics. Then there are the effects of alcohol on mental health, like depression and exacerbated mood disorders.
Lying, broken promises, and unpredictability can also be in play. These are the kinds of things that cause lasting trauma for the people that love them.
How to Spot a Functioning Alcoholic
One of the biggest challenges in identifying a functioning alcoholic is that they may not exhibit the stereotypical signs of alcoholism, such as slurred speech, impaired coordination, and a disheveled appearance. However, there are still several signs to watch out for, including:
Functioning alcoholic behaviors may include:
- Able to still function in their everyday life
- Drinking alone or in secret
- Prioritizing activities that include alcohol
- Drinking in the morning or during the day
- Needing to drink to relax or feel normal
- Consuming more than intended or for longer than planned
- Neglecting responsibilities due to drinking
- Hard for them to stop once they have started drinking
- Continuing to drink despite negative consequences
If you suspect that someone in your life may be a functioning alcoholic, it is essential to approach them with care and concern. It can be helpful to express your concerns in a non-judgmental and compassionate and offer support and resources for getting help.
How to Help a Functioning Alcoholic
Alcohol rehab is the best answer for helping someone struggling with alcohol use disorder, including functioning alcoholics. Alcohol rehabs bring a sense of support. They are a safe place where a person who might not have hit “rock bottom” can still understand the dangers and effects of their behaviors. In this environment, modalities such as individual therapy, group counseling, and a fitness program for addiction treatment can become a lifeline.
Functioning alcoholism is not a clinical diagnosis. It is a description that helps when discussing the complex issues of alcohol use disorder. There are always many aspects to each person’s causes and effects of alcohol abuse. But with all that said, the destruction and harm are real. And the results are often the same: broken friends, families, and hearts.
If you suspect someone you know is a functioning alcoholic, talking to them is the first step. Let them know you love them and are a support to them. Make sure you are knowledgeable on how alcohol rehab can be an effective treatment option and where to go to talk to someone who can help.
If you want to talk to an addiction professional, call Heartwood Recovery today. Our team can answer your questions and offer insight on the next step.