Easy Answer
Going back to the beginning of human history, spirituality is a part of living. People are always looking for the next spiritual answer. Something they can do or take to help them get in touch with the bigger answers that might be available in the universe.
Whatever you view, it is certainly a human quality.
With this in mind, it’s no surprise it has become popular for people to take “spiritual retreats” where various hallucinogenic teas or plants are consumed. It’s that combination of searching for the beyond and the possibility of a herb or plant that promises the connection they have been looking for—the experience of some personal growth or spiritual breakthrough.
Whether it’s mushrooms, PCP, cannabis, or any other hallucinogen, that brain-altering aspect is a selling point for these retreats.

Ayahuasca is a type of tea that comes from South America. As such, it’s been used for centuries for religious purposes and potential healing. Ayahuasca’s mind-altering effects have the potential to give people a sensation that feels close to a spiritual experience.
While some people have had positive experiences with using the tea this way, there are definite health risks, and a substance use disorder is part of the problem.
Beyond all that, ayahuasca is a Schedule I controlled substance in the United States. It’s illegal to use, possess, or distribute it.
What Is Ayahuasca?
Ayahuasca is a traditional South American medicine made from the ayahuasca vine and other plant ingredients. Its primary active ingredient is dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a potent psychoactive substance. Ayahuasca has been used in indigenous shamanic practices for centuries and has recently gained popularity for its potential to induce spiritual and personal-growth experiences.
Here in Austin, people might refer to it as the tea, the vine, and la purga. And it is becoming popular for individuals to take out-of-country retreats where it is available as a route to the spiritual connection they have been seeking.
Potential Risks of Ayahuasca Use
While ayahuasca is used by many people believing it has therapeutic purposes, it can have serious, even deadly, side effects. Taking part in a ceremony that features the tea could bring about somewhat low-key results: diarrhea, vomiting, paranoia, and panic are all common reactions.
However, on the more severe side, ayahuasca can interact dangerously with various prescription drugs. Heart rate and blood pressure spikes can also occur, and for people with psychiatric disorders, DMT has been found to worsen their condition.
Psychologically, ayahuasca can trigger depression, anxiety, and even psychotic episodes. It can exacerbate a multitude of pre-existing mental health conditions.
Lack of Regulation and Quality Control
One of the significant issues with ayahuasca is the lack of regulation and quality control. As it is not regulated, there is no assurance of its quality or purity, increasing the risk of adverse reactions or even overdose.
While ayahuasca may have therapeutic benefits, it is also linked to various dangers.
The lack of regulation and quality control in the production of ayahuasca only emphasizes the need for caution and due diligence in its usage. Additionally, conducting thorough research and consulting with experts is important before using ayahuasca.
Ayahuasca Abuse and Addiction
Though there are plenty of reasons to avoid choosing ayahuasca, it has a relatively low potential for addiction. That said, the behaviors evoked and the mindset that using substances to answer personal and psychological issues is a root issue for developing a substance use disorder.
Ayahuasca and Roots of Substance Use Disorders
For individuals struggling with substance abuse disorder, seeking professional treatment is the best way to find freedom from addiction.
Regardless of the intent of spiritual renewal or personal growth, if a person turns to drugs to find those answers, they are looking in the wrong direction. Substances are the short-term answer that leaves a person with less of themselves. When addiction is involved, the end to that road is dangerous and could become fatal. Most cases of addiction prove to be a source of financial ruin, relationship destruction, and many health risks.
Professional treatment can help a person overcome addiction, but it will not come from quick and easy teas or herbs. It comes from real work with qualified and experienced addiction treatment professionals.
Dangers of Hallucinogens
Hallucinogens are a class of drugs that affect a person’s perceptions and emotions. They offer a false reality from what is happening in their lives. The good news is that you can always seek help if you’re addicted to hallucinogens or any addictive substance. There are long-term debilitating effects involved in any drug addiction. It is important to take the step towards freedom as soon as possible. You may even find that your drug addiction treatment is covered by insurance.
At Heartwood Recovery drug rehab in Austin, we have experience helping men with addictions to various hallucinogens and dissociative drugs. With a focus on the 12 Steps and attention to personal addiction therapy, and even a fitness program for addiction recovery, we walk with our clients on their journey to sobriety.